A conduit of grace, full of optimism; a catalyst for change, driven by compassion– this sums up who I am, and what I stand by! Being a counselor is not just a profession. It’s a calling! I believe God orchestrated my personal life experiences along with my professional background to lead me to where I am now– an instrument of hope, healing, restoration, and transformation. It gives me great joy and fulfillment to know that I have been called to help others heal from negative experiences and past traumas, improve their health and functioning, and restore lost hope. Allow me the honor to journey with you on your path to self love, self awareness, self discovery, and self actualization. As an advocate for your mental health and wellness, I will endeavor to provide you with the tools and skills necessary for you to learn, grow, and live life more abundantly!


Tobi Fakuade is a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate with a rich background in science, behavioral health, and social services. Tobi received her bachelor’s degree from the University of North Texas, with a Bachelor of Arts in Biology, and a minor in Chemistry. Tobi also holds a Masters of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Liberty University. Tobi completed her graduate internship at a mental health outpatient clinic in North Texas, alongside a local community counseling center in Dallas, Texas. Tobi’s journey into mental health began while working for a non profit organization catered to survivors of domestic violence and crisis intervention. Tobi has years of experience working in emergency shelters as a hotline counselor and resident advocate, dedicated to helping men and women along with their children, escape from abusive environments and high crisis situations. Tobi also has experience working as a Qualified Mental Health Professional in the North Texas community, servicing children and adolescents with behavioral issues, and working with their families. Thus, with years of experience working in behavioral health and social services, Tobi has had the privilege of working with different population groups such as children (special needs, adopted, and foster kids), adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Tobi also has leadership experience working with youth and young adults as a ministry leader in her local church community. Consequently, Tobi’s background of professional experiences have laid a great foundation for her to learn and cultivate different skills that will be useful for the enhancement of her professional background and development. Moreover, Tobi is a nurturer, encourager, and creative by heart. She enjoys connecting with people across all ages, and creating memorable moments and experiences with others. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, listening to audiobooks and podcasts, cooking, and traveling. Tobi is also a firm believer in Jesus Christ, and values her faith in God and His Word. 
In sessions, Tobi aims to foster a warm and welcoming, safe space for her clients to learn at their pace, open up, and simply be themselves. Tobi abides by a “no judgment zone” and “come as you are” policy! Tobi utilizes creative activities and interactive forms of engagement to connect, relate, and process with clients during sessions. Tobi believes in meeting people where they’re at; but also believes in challenging negative belief systems, thoughts, and ideologies. Furthermore, Tobi is currently under the supervision of Andrea Schultz, M.Ed., LPC-S, RPT-S, and is committed to professional growth and development. As an advocate for mental health and wellness, Tobi endeavors to provide her clients with the highest quality of care, support, and skills necessary to live life more abundantly! Be encouraged to take the first step towards a better and brighter future. Reach out today and schedule an appointment!